For the few past months, I have been
pondering over a new adventure novel set against the backdrop of a major
historical event—an all-time favorite writing gimmick. Though I am a voracious
reader of history, be it a book, article, or just a worn out paper clipping, it
has been a while since the last book capable of triggering my creative muse. So
eager to find a respectable history book, carrying the promise of intrigue and
rich dramatic premise I began the hunt for my next great read.
Though I’m a digger for all history,
I’m particularly fond of Post-bellum U.S., Post-1848 Europe, and 19th
century Egypt. As an Egyptian, now particularly writhing uneasily by what’s
going on in my country, I started looking up books talking about things all the
way back, hoping to find the roots of the dilemma we are living nowadays and
discerning out what had messed things up in the first place. Of course, I
couldn’t go 7,000 years back, so with the formation of modern Egypt in the
early 19th century, I started my journey in history.
Book after book, I slowly digested
the dynamics that enabled an Albanian officer, Mohammed Ali, of the Ottoman
army, and later Wali (governor) of Egypt, to transform the almost 300-years
stagnant country, into the world’s sixth strongest power, and one of the leading
economies (imagine a 1999 South-Korea strong economy); conquering land three
times its size (invading Arabian Peninsula, Sudan, Syria, even plunging deep
into Anatolia, and threatening Constantinople itself, twice)—all that in the
matter of thirty years. However, that meteoric rise came to a sudden standstill
upon breaching the balance of world powers set at the time by mighty Britain. Fearful
of a sudden collapse of the Ottoman Empire and a compensatory expansion of the
Russian Empire, Britain curbed the ambitions of the greedy Albanian and quickly
disciplined him back to his boundaries. After another thirty years, his
grandson, Khedive Ismail, exhibits similar grandiose scheme; however, this
time, he takes permission from the current world powers, Britain, and France,
and this time expands southwards, into Sudan, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Somalia,
all the way down to the Equatorial lakes.
Muhammed Ali, Wali of Egypt |
Coats of Arms of Egyptian Khedivial state |
Khedive Ismail |
Following that episode of military expansion, in addition to the Suez Canal opening, and the lavish reconstruction schemes (Khedive Ismail commissioned Baron Haussmann to renovate the Cairene Downtown like its Parisian counterpart), came the scare of the huge debts and their incredible interest rates. Virtually, Egypt became the first bankrupt country in the world. To ensure prompt payment, the debtor states, Britain and France installed two ministers in the Egyptian cabinet to supervise spending. Shortly after, an army-backed revolution erupts in 1882. The new Khedive, Tawfiq (son of Ismail) seeks the intervention of foreign powers; the British come for help… and occupy Egypt for the next seventy-four years.
So enticed by that captivating
history, I embarked on sketching my new novel (in Arabic), crafting a storyline
running in the tumultuous years between 1805 and 1885, and weaving-in
characters deeply entrenched in local and religious backgrounds, standing fiercely
in front of the incredible pace of Europeanizing and militarization of the
almost dormant, mostly-conservative nation. Then, I started writing right away,
filling 105 pages in under twenty-two days… before coming to a halting stop.
It was October, last year, and things
had turned pretty ugly here in Egypt. I grew increasingly depressed, and
abruptly lost all appetite for writing. Dwindling in productivity, I sought
refuge in reading once more; this time, to a place half the way across the
Back in 2011, I had written an Erast-Fandorin
style novel, Spy Hunt in Dixie, a detective-espionage adventure following
the tracks of a soldier dispatched from the blazing battlefield of the French
Intervention in Mexico into the ongoing American Civil War in Louisiana. The
soldier stumbles upon a grand Confederate secret, and is hunted all the way
back to the Mexican playfield, and from there, the chase goes to his home in
General W. T. Sherman |
Reading about that period of history
had appealed greatly to my taste, so once again, I venture upon reading a
couple more interesting books about the American Civil War; this time focusing
upon the dark days of the Atlanta Campaign, and the following ruthless March to
the sea, by the controversial General William Tecumseh Sherman.
Distracted by a completely new idea
and setting, I embarked upon yet another new novel, this time in English. I
wrote fifty-five pages, before stopping prematurely for the second time. This
time, by the untimely announcement of the opening of the “ABNA” (Amazon
Breakthrough Novel Award) contest by Amazon. Encouraged (and rather forced) by
my wife, I decide to submit my second novel, Respublic Amerike, to the
contest. Three thousand words short, and in need for a captivating pitch for
the submission process, I spent the following two months adding, editing, and
toning my second novel, in addition to writing and rewriting a gazillion times
an incredibly illusive pitch.
After fifty-six days of boring mind
tolling, I was mentally spent: unwilling and unable to resume writing my novel.
I strayed around looking for more
reading, convincing myself that I could look for another world event to weave
in, to enrich the novel’s timeline and to spice things up, for myself and for
my prospective readers.
After spending numerous hours
nitpicking here, and there, I finally settled upon A People’s History of the
World: From Stone Age to the New Millennium, a socialist take on world
history by Chris Harman, a British journalist and activist, and a member of the
British Socialist Workers Party. Taking with a pinch of salt, I ventured into
the intriguing, concise history of the work; however, heading directly to Part
Six: The world turned upside down, the part covering world events starting
the American Revolution. I quickly skimmed through, reaching the much-coveted
1848 European revolutions; slowing down, I hunted for a particular contemporary
world event, to serve my current novel… and lo and behold, there it was, the
world’s richest event lying there, at the 11th chapter, detailing
that astonishing event of 1870-71.
A lot of people must immediately
think I mean the Franco-Prussian war, and the humiliating French defeat. Well,
not exactly. The richly dramatic episode that I mean was the ensuing crescendo
of climactic events. It starts with the excoriatingly choking Prussian siege of
Paris, the fall of the second empire, and the subsequent formation of the Third
Republic. The French resistance fails after four months of defiance, bravery,
and escalating jingoism, all along consuming a horde of horses, many of the
fury tenants of the Paris zoo, tons of
cats and a quite a handful of rats! Accepting a humiliating armistice deal, the
French let Prussians annex Alsace and northern Lorraine, as well acquiesce to let
the invading army march into Paris. Chaos ensues, and the indignant National
Guard (civilians militarized during the war) stages a coup d’état against the
“frail, treacherous” government. The Prime Minister, the notorious historian
and statesman, Adolphe Thiers, and all the members of the government withdraw
immediately to Versailles; next day, March 18th, 1871, La Commune
de Paris is proclaimed; a communist utopia that lasts for seventy days.
Adolphe Thiers |
A barricade |
Fearful of a successful “Paris
Rebellion”, which could consequently embolden the socialists at home, Otto von
Bismarck orders the release of the tens of thousands of French prisoners of
war. The Thiers government quickly re-organizes the army and mounts a
thundering attack on the enervated city; tens of thousands of the rebellious
soldiers are killed, while the remaining insurgents are shipped over to New
Caledonia, the French colony in the South Pacific.
Woo-hoo, this really is rich history.
Sure, I had read many a times before
about the series of events that befell France, especially Paris in the scathing
months between September 1870 and June 1871. I had read aplenty about the
European scene around the 1870, the setting-the-stage for the war, and how my
all-time favorite diplomat, Otto von Bismarck (not any more), almost
single-handedly united the German states into one empire: by brilliantly
inciting the ill, old French Emperor into waging a war on the, comparatively
smaller, seemingly weaker Kingdom of Prussia. I had read several times about
the fantastic deployment of a utopic communist republic (it wasn’t: neither utopic,
nor communist) by the disgruntled workers of Paris, and how it was temporary
and dysfunctional, and that it automatically fell and that the Third Republic
resumed promptly.
In the book, A People’s History of
the World, this incident is quite expanded, and told in an emotionally
dramatic tone; emphasizing the catastrophe that befell the utopic patriotic
workers of Paris, and how climatic were the events, and how powerfully the
whole incident changed the course of the world.
However, I just couldn’t take the
book’s perspective for granted. After all, it was written by a socialist and
published by a socialist organization; so, not altogether the most trustworthy
of sources on a matter drumming the martyrdom of communists and socialist at the
hands of the opportunistic bourgeois.
After finishing this captivating
segment in Harman’s book, I began searching for a rather more impartial source examining
this hot, controversial period of French history. In English, there was quite a
few books written on the subject. After spending a couple of days looking up, reading descriptions and readers reviews of prospective books, I
slowly compiled a list of four titles. However, The Fall of Paris: The Siege
and the Commune 1870-71, by Sir Alistair Horne, a renowned British
journalist and historian of Europe, quickly caught my attention; I promptly
bought the 480-pages book and started my reading list with it. Thankfully I
The Fall of Paris is one of the best history book I’ve
read in a very long time. I won’t review the book now and here, for it deserves
quite a stand. May be, I will do after I’ve finished reading it the second time
(yes, the tome is that good).
The weeklong reading of the scholarly,
yet exquisitely-written, book unfurled in front of me the intricacies of one of
the most compelling of events in world history. Not just pure, bland history,
but gripping disclosure of the dynamics of power, concise explanation of
then-contemporary philosophies, and lively portrayal of personalities, of
heroes and villains alike, and above all politics.
On rereading the book (more slowly
this time), I’m planning to pause after each main entry, and then to scour the
internet for new sources on the most intriguing personalities and mini-events;
all along, incorporating new elements, scenery, and plot into my current Civil War
Every now and then, I’ll be writing a
blog entry about some of the truly exciting personalities: a personal history, anecdotes
and achievements, and especially emphasizing their role in the siege and
Commune; as well as, how it affected their lives and what did they do afterwards
(that is, if they made it at all).
Everyone is invited to join the ride
and is welcome to enrich the text, whether with personal insight or with adding
relevant historical remarks. Also, I’m open to suggestions regarding content,
perspective, and style.
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