Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Best of the Web (IMHO)

Here's my suggested 'web reading list' for this weekend. Enjoy.

Literary Interview

An interview with JK Rowling on Guardian Books. The Decca Aitkenhead, the interviewer is adept and targeted, while JK misses the point sometimes. Still JK is more simple and honest (a bit naïve sometimes) than cautious and courteous, and that makes reading the interview worthwhile.


Subway Photography
o   Paris Metro (a facebook album)
o   Subway Architecture

Artistic photography depicting food scenes in classic literary works (both nostalgic and appetizing)

Travel Adventure

A great traveler’s adventure article on a Darien Gap, a pirates’ recluse (still an outlaw haven) on the eastern end of Panama. Really interesting read.

Future Tech

 An article on how you can “Custom make” your new couch, bed and virtually any other thing.

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